Help JcRename - by Crovy

JcRename is a software that allows you to rename batch file names.
I mostly use it to rename digital photographs, but nothing prevents it from being used for other purposes.

Here are the basic information to use the program, and particular reference will be made to certain "key words" to compose the final name of the file, as well as the use of date and time of files changing functions. All other functions should already be clear by simply observing the program.

Also note that on the site there is a special section dedicated to this program.

Special characters in the file name

First you need to specify that the file name can be composed of all the characters on the keyboard except:
\ / : * ? " < > |
As these characters are not allowed in Windows, whereas Linux could use them, but for compatibility it was chosen to ban them, so that they can safely share files between different operating systems.


From version 1.3.0 is possible to insert in the name of the file its date and time, as well as and the names of various levels of folders belonging to the file.
Here is a list of keywords which can be used:

For example:
If the file named "fabio_01.jpg" is inserted in the folder "/home/fabio/foto/2007/gennaio" if I require to add to the name "%f2_%f1" the filename becomes "2007_ gennaio_fabio_01.jpg".

Change files date and time

From version 1.3.0 you can change the date and time of file. Pay attention, I repeat, date and time of the file and not its name!
It surely occurred to you that you have not properly set date and time on camera, or to receive photos with wrong date and time.
Well, through this program you can change the date and time of files very simply and in two different ways which we explain:

Absolute mode

This is the simplest mode: set the parameters of date and time to be applied to the first file listed, and to each following file the hour will be increased of one minute.

Relative Mode

This mode is more complicated, but allows to keep the correct time sequence from a known reference.
You will always have to set the parameters of date and time to be applied in the first photo here, or in the last one if you select the check box "Start From Last File". To the following files date and time will be set by calculating the change in time that there was the first file, so reconstructing the correct time sequence.
Obviously this mode only works if the entire file has the wrong date and time in the same way, otherwise the temporal reconstruction would be totally wrong.

For example:
On November 23rd, 2007 at 09:00 you made a photo, then you have made another at 12:00 and then another one on the following day at 17:00.

On November 24th in the evening you downloaded pictures on the computer and discover that they carry wrong date and time, for example 03 January 2002, at 03:55 am.

What can you do in this case? It is easy with JcRename!!

Start the program, selected the interested photos, and the parameters date and time mode set "Relative", On November 23rd, 2007 09:00 (date and time of the first taken photo), then make sure to select "Sort By date"(it is already the default). Press the button "Start" and magically all photos will reported with the correct date and time!